Thursday 17 March 2011

A Picture paints a thousand words

I have been at a fantastic conference this week, with over 100 people from the Oxford diocese on Leading your Church into Growth. We have had some great teaching, and thoughtful worship and it has been good to touch base with so many clergy all in one place.

The course itself has many words, however the worship has been designed around some powerful images. It's amazing what one picture can lead you to in terms of thoughtful reflection and personal devotion. A drawing can say so much...and can open up the imagination to so many thoughts and feelings...bringing about commitment, repentance, joy, sorrow, and a renewed commitment in a way that words would just not connect.

In the west we are so reliant on words, we forget that many in our world are unable to read. Today we are reminded that in Mali, only one in four can. As we continue to learn about sharing the Good News with others we need to remember to use images as well as words.

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