Wednesday 20 April 2011

A change in the weather

It was wonderful yesterday to sit in the sun. This mild and dry spell that we are currently experiencing is a great tonic after the long grey winter, which began with early snow last year. However, already the gardeners amongst us are talking about watering, and the weather prophets predicting early hosepipe bans. Mostly in the UK the weather disrupts our leisure most of all. Sporting fixtures are altered, days are either made or ruined, gardens drying out.

In other parts of the world weather is becoming much more extreme, drought wipes out literally the food crop of a whole country, floods wash away homes and livelihoods, earthquakes and winds destroy crops, transport links and manufacturing plants. Farmers particularly are finding it hard, when acres and acres of country are unable to produce the exports necessary to guarantee a steady income for thousands of workers then everyone suffers. Working in partnership with others Christian Aid are trying to support those poorest people affected by weather patterns to find alternative sources of income.

As I travel around Buckinghamshire in the sunshine today, I will try and better appreciate my work and will pray for all those who have little, because of where they happen to live and the weather patterns around.

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